

Conversion of DCS/DCF from a Private Foundation to a Foundation of Public Utility – July 9, 2024

On 9 July 2024 Filip, King of the Belgians approved the request of DCS/DCF to be converted from a Private Foundation to a Foundation of Public Interest.

Consolidated Bylaws (in English) – February 18, 2021

The DCF (Désiré Collen Foundation) was set up as a private foundation (“private stichting”) according to Belgian law on February 20, 2015, by Désiré Collen, born June 21, 1943 in Sint-Truiden, Belgium, and residing at Swan Court, Flat 33, Chelsea Manor Street, London SW3 5RX, London, UK.

On 18 February 2021, the bylaws were updated and adapted to comply with the new Belgian Companies and Associations Code that entered into force on 1 May 2019 and applies to all Belgian companies and associations effective 1 January 2020.

Bylaws/Statuten (in Dutch) – Feb 20, 2015 and Feb 18, 2021

De DCS (Désiré Collen Stichting), is een Private Stichting naar Belgisch Recht en werd opgericht bij notariële akte op 20 februari 2015, door Désiré Collen, geboren 21 juni 1943 in Sint-Truiden, België, gedomicilieerd Swan Court, Flat 33, Chelsea Manor Street, London SW3 5RX, London, UK. 

De statuten werden aangepast en uitgebreid op 18 februari 2021. 

Official publication (in Dutch) –  Feb 26, 2015 and Feb 22, 2021

The bylaws of the DCS/DCF were published in the Belgian official Gazette (Belgisch
Staatsblad) of February 26, 2015.

The updated and adapted bylaws were published  in the Belgian official Gazette (Belgisch Staatsblad) of February 22, 2021.